As one of twenty national defense acts passed by Congress in 1798, what was the effect of the Alien Enemies Act?
a. It allowed the president to declare a disloyal citizen as an alien enemy, to strip the citizens rights, and to deport the individual.
b. It declared as enemies any undocumented aliens in the United States at the time of passage.
c. Enacted during a time of increasing tensions between the United States and France, it allowed the president during wartime to arrest and imprison aliens subject to an enemy power.
d. It declared that any illegal alien was an outlaw and subject to martial law.
e. It created and extended constitutional protections for aliens in the United States.
Question 2
What was the impact of the Alien Act in 1798 and how did it affect civil liberties?
a. The Alien Act protected noncitizens from loss of civil liberties by the government.
b. The Alien Act enacted a military draft for aliens currently living in the United States.
c. Due to fear of a pending war with France, the Alien Act authorized the president to order out of the United States all aliens suspected of treasonable or secret inclinations.
d. The Alien Act greatly strengthened civil rights for all residents and protected them from the governments imposition of power.
e. The Alien Act prohibited the federal government from taking any action against aliens, leaving that power to the state governments.