Author Question: Older adults experience a number of changes in the structure or function of their cardiovascular ... (Read 24 times)


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Older adults experience a number of changes in the structure or function of their cardiovascular system. Which of the following changes is considered to be a normal, age-related change?
  A) Veins become thinner and more elastic.
  B) Regulation of blood pressure and heart rate becomes less efficient.
  C) Heart valves become atrophied and regurgitation occurs.
  D) Heart rate becomes slower and ejection fraction increases.

Question 2

Which of the following is the most important remediable risk factor for cardiovascular disease in older adults?
  A) Smoking
  B) Stress
  C) Sedentary lifestyle
  D) Aggressive personality


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Answer to Question 1

Ans: B
Overall regulation of blood pressure and heart rate becomes less responsive and less efficient with age. Veins become thicker and stiffer. Heart rate does not typically slow with age and valvular regurgitation is considered a pathologic condition at any age.

Answer to Question 2

Ans: A
Smoking is a major risk factor for cardiovascular disease. Benefits of smoking cessation as a secondary prevention intervention begin immediately and are as effective in older adults as they are in younger people. Additional lifestyle interventions that are effective for preventing cardiovascular disease include remaining physically active, managing stress, and maintaining ideal body weight.

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