Mom asked us if we put on sunscreen while we were getting ready to go to the public pool. I know I had.
I always make sure that I use it on any part of me that is exposed, since I tend to burn if I don't. We all
have fair skin in my family. I was just getting my beach bag together when I heard my brother also tell
mom that he did put sunscreen on. Great We were finally going to the pool. I couldn't wait to meet up
with my friend Rachel. All of us had a nice time. We ate lunch at the snack bar and didn't go home until
just before dinner. I heard my brother moan a bit afterward. He was beet red and looking for the aloe
lotion. He did get a sunburn on most of his body. I teased him since I did not get burned.
Do you think her brother regrets not putting on sunscreen before they went to the pool?
a. yes
b. no
Question 2
Mom asked us if we put on sunscreen while we were getting ready to go to the public pool. I know I had.
I always make sure that I use it on any part of me that is exposed, since I tend to burn if I don't. We all
have fair skin in my family. I was just getting my beach bag together when I heard my brother also tell
mom that he did put sunscreen on. Great We were finally going to the pool. I couldn't wait to meet up
with my friend Rachel. All of us had a nice time. We ate lunch at the snack bar and didn't go home until
just before dinner. I heard my brother moan a bit afterward. He was beet red and looking for the aloe
lotion. He did get a sunburn on most of his body. I teased him since I did not get burned.
Do you think the brother told his mother the truth when he said that he put sunscreen on?
a. yes
b. no