Answer to Question 1
The domestic ferret, like the other members of the genus Mustela, has a body that is elongated, lean, slender,
and muscular. The legs are short, and the feet have five toes with claws.
The head is oval-shaped, and the snout area is pointed. The head of the male usually is broader and less
pointed than the females.
Male ferrets (hobs) will be 16 to 20 inches long and weigh three to five pounds. Females (jills) are a little
smaller, usually 12 to 14 inches long and weighing one and half to three pounds.
Ferrets do not have a very well-developed sense of sight; being primarily nocturnal in nature, they do not
see well in bright light. They do, however, have highly developed senses of hearing, smell, and touch. When
put in new surroundings, they will use their sense of smell to check out the area thoroughly. A ferret learns its
owner's voice and will usually come to the door of a cage when the owner approaches.
Ferrets that are well cared for will live from 8 to 11 years. Normal body temperature is 101.8F; the heart
rate is between 180 and 250 beats per minute, and respiration is between 30 and 40 breaths per minute.
Ferrets have a total of 34 teeth. On each side, there are three incisors on top and three on the bottom, one
canine tooth on the top and bottom, three premolars on top and three on the bottom, and one molar on top
and two on the bottom.
Answer to Question 2
The domestic ferret (Mustela pulorius furo) is believed to be a descendant of the European polecat (Mustela