A key objection to performance enhancing drugs is that it violates the basic nature of
sport and the values intrinsic to sport. Brown's answer to this objection criticizes a
distinction used in the objection between goods that are
a. easily available and those that are difficult to achieve.
b. marketable (goods for which one can be financially rewarded) and goods that have no
cash value.
c. internal or external to practices.
d. quantifiable and unquantifiable.
e. part of a zero-sum game (if you obtain the good, that reduces or eliminates the
chances of others obtaining it, such as winning a basketball game) and goods that are
not limited (such as shooting a rapids or climbing a mountain).
Question 2
No one really advocates suicide. But some support the value of the principle of in moral decision making
a) justice
b) freedom
c) honesty
d) beneficence