Answer to Question 1
Ans: D
Because sleep habits have been implicated with SIDS, it is recommended that healthy infants up to the age of 6 months sleep on their back (rather than the stomach) on a firm surface in a safety-approved crib. There is a schedule that includes recommendations for infant immunizations from the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices. Because infants put small objects in their mouths, choking is a risk. Accidental deaths occur most commonly when infants share a bed with parents (cosleeping) and are inadvertently wedged beneath another person, trapped in a dangerous position, such as between the bed and the wall, or suffocated by bedding.
Answer to Question 2
Ans: A
Negativism (characteristically expressed by saying no) and outbursts of temper result from the toddler's efforts at control over the environment. Because this is normal, severe discipline is not warranted. Regression, or behavior that is more characteristic of a younger age, can occur at any time in response to stressful circumstances. Learning right from wrong is one of the tasks in Havighurst's theory.