Answer to Question 1
Rationale 1: Esophagitis is a possible complication of GERD.
Rationale 2: Approximately 10 of those with GERD will develop Barrett's esophagus, which is associated with increased risk of cancer.
Rationale 3: Medications may be somewhat effective even if lifestyle changes are not made.
Rationale 4: The nurse should not determine if the patient will think the lifestyle changes are not so bad.
Rationale 5: It is unknown what this particular patient will experience if treatment is not undertaken.
Global Rationale: Esophagitis is a possible complication of GERD. Approximately 10 of those with GERD will develop Barrett's esophagus, which is associated with increased risk of cancer. Medications may be somewhat effective even if lifestyle changes are not made. The nurse should not determine if the patient will think the lifestyle changes are not so bad. It is unknown what this particular patient will experience if treatment is not undertaken.
Answer to Question 2
Rationale 1: Solid products are made from dried herbs, and include pills, tablets, and capsules as well as salves and ointments. How the herb is prepared can change the strength and/or action of the active ingredient.
Rationale 2: Liquid forms are concentrated in solvents at various strengths.
Rationale 3: Solid products are made from dried herbs, and include pills, tablets, and capsules as well as salves and ointments. How the herb is prepared can change the strength and/or action of the active ingredient.
Rationale 4: Solid products are made from dried herbs, and include pills, tablets, and capsules as well as salves and ointments. How the herb is prepared can change the strength and/or action of the active ingredient.
Global Rationale: Liquid forms are concentrated in solvents at various strengths. Solid products are made from dried herbs, and include pills, tablets, and capsules as well as salves and ointments. How the herb is prepared can change the strength and/or action of the active ingredient.