Answer to Question 1
Rationale 1: Patients who are starting on adrenergic-blocking drugs should move slowly from the sitting position.
Rationale 2: Sitting on the side of the bed will help blood pressure normalize before standing.
Rationale 3: Additional salt is not indicated for people who have hypertension.
Rationale 4: If the patient feels dizzy, sitting down or lying down will help to prevent falls.
Rationale 5: The patient should monitor dizziness and should take safety precautions until acclimated to the medication.
Global Rationale: Patients who are starting on adrenergic-blocking drugs should move slowly from the sitting position. Sitting on the side of the bed will help blood pressure normalize before standing. If the patient feels dizzy, sitting down or lying down will help to prevent falls. Additional salt is not indicated for people who have hypertension. The patient should monitor dizziness and should take safety precautions until acclimated to the medication.
Answer to Question 2
Rationale 1: Implementing lifestyle modifications may eliminate the need for pharmacotherapy, so the patient may not have to take medication right away.
Rationale 2: The fact that the patient's father had hypertension and lived to be 90-years-old does not mean that the patient will have the same experience; the patient is in denial.
Rationale 3: Limiting intake of alcohol and discontinuing tobacco products are important nonpharmacological methods for controlling hypertension.
Rationale 4: Increasing physical activity is an important lifestyle modification for controlling hypertension.
Global Rationale: Limiting intake of alcohol and discontinuing tobacco products are important nonpharmacological methods for controlling hypertension. Implementing lifestyle modifications may eliminate the need for pharmacotherapy, so the patient may not have to take medication right away. Increasing physical activity is an important lifestyle modification for controlling hypertension. The fact that the patient's father had hypertension and lived to be 90-years-old does not mean that the patient will have the same experience; the patient is in denial.