Answer to Question 1
Correct Answer: 1
Rationale 1: From a pharmacologic perspective, an advantage of CAM therapy is its ability to reduce the need for medications. Reduction of drug dosages leads to fewer adverse effects.
Rationale 2: CAM therapies are not necessarily less expensive than mainstream health care.
Rationale 3: Few CAM therapies have been subjected to controlled clinical studies to prove their effectiveness.
Rationale 4: Not all CAM therapies have fewer side effects.
Global Rationale: From a pharmacologic perspective, an advantage of CAM therapy is its ability to reduce the need for medications. Reduction of drug dosages leads to fewer adverse effects. CAM therapies are not necessarily less expensive than mainstream health care. Few CAM therapies have been subjected to controlled clinical studies to prove their effectiveness. Not all CAM therapies have fewer side effects.
Answer to Question 2
Correct Answer: 1
Rationale 1: From the perspective of pharmacology, the value of CAM therapies is the ability to reduce the need for medications. CAM has been shown to assist with a variety of client symptoms, including anxiety.
Rationale 2: Massage does not have an impact on drug interactions.
Rationale 3: Although massage can contribute to an improved nurseclient relationship, this is not a pharmacologic benefit.
Rationale 4: Massage does not guarantee a consistent time at which the client will fall asleep.
Global Rationale: From the perspective of pharmacology, the value of CAM therapies is the ability to reduce the need for medications. CAM has been shown to assist with a variety of client symptoms, including anxiety. Massage does not have an impact on drug interactions. Although massage can contribute to an improved nurseclient relationship, this is not a pharmacologic benefit. Massage does not guarantee a consistent time at which the client will fall asleep.