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Author Question: The control systems of the body act in many ways to maintain homeostasis. These homeostatic control ... (Read 214 times)


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The control systems of the body act in many ways to maintain homeostasis. These homeostatic control systems regulate the functions of the cell, integrate the functions of different organ systems, and do what else?
  A) Control vital functions
  B) Feed cells under stress
  C) Act on invading organisms
  D) Shut down the body at death

Question 2

The hospice nurse is caring for a patient diagnosed with bone cancer who is receiving large doses of opioid medications to relieve pain. The patient has used other laxatives in the past to treat opioid-induced constipation but nothing is working now.
  What drug would the nurse request the family doctor to order for this patient? A) Methylnaltrexone (Relistor)
  B) Castor oil
  C) Paregoric
  D) Mineral oil

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Answer to Question 1

In many areas, the parasympathetic nervous system works in opposition to the sympathetic nervous system. This allows the autonomic system to maintain a fine control over vital functions. This is a homeostatic control system. Homeostatic control systems do not feed cells when they are under stress, they do not act on invading organisms, and do they shut down the body at death.

Answer to Question 2

Methylnaltrexone (Relistor) was approved in 2008 for the treatment of opioid-induced constipation in patients with advanced disease who are receiving palliative care and are no longer responsive to traditional laxatives. Castor oil, mineral oil, and paregoric would likely be ineffective in this patient.


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Both answers were spot on, thank you once again


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