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Author Question: A client tells the nurse, I think that I must be really sick. All of these tests are being done. The ... (Read 34 times)


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A client tells the nurse, I think that I must be really sick. All of these tests are being done. The nurse uses the specific communication technique of reflection by saying:
  A. I sense that you are worried.
  B. I think that we should talk about this more.
  C. You think that you must be very sick because of all the tests.
  D. I've noticed that this is an underlying issue whenever we talk.

Question 2

Disaster nursing differs from general nursing because when caring for patients during a disaster:
  a. the focus is on caring for the sickest people first.
  b. using a color tag system reduces the amount of emotional stress on the nurse.
  c. the focus is no longer on airway, breathing, and circulation.
  d. the focus is on caring for those most likely to survive.

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Answer to Question 1

C. This statement directs the client's feelings and ideas back to the client.
A. This statement is an example of sharing perceptions, not reflection.
B. This broad opening is not an example of reflection.
D. This statement is an example of theme identification rather than reflection.

Answer to Question 2

Disaster nursing differs from general nursing in that the focus shifts from caring for the sickest people first to saving the greatest number of lives. Triage sorts the victims in to groups with color coded tags which identify statusblack for the dead or mortally injured, red for those in need of immediate attention to survive, yellow for those seriously injured but more stable than individuals coded red, and green for those with minimal injuries, This allows the rescue teams to direct resources in a most effective manner to save the greatest number of lives.


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