Answer to Question 1
should include four of the following eight steps:
Because most post pubertal children regain any lost weight within a year, promote the initiation of behavioral therapy for overweight children before the onset of puberty. Such therapy should include the teaching of social skills to counter taunting and to maintain and develop friendships.
Educate children and their families about the health benefits of being physically active and the possible added benefit of thereby attaining modest weight reduction.
Encourage schools to find ways to offset potential revenues lost from removal of competitive foods that do not meet USDA Food and Nutrition Service nutrition standards. Recommendations include offering healthier competitive food choices and substituting nonfood sales and fundraising activities.
Promote partnerships among schools, families, and community members to increase resources that support a health-promoting environment.
Demonstrate to schools that setting aside regularly scheduled periods for physical education during the school day can boost students' academic achievement.
Develop and implement strategies to increase physical activity among children with disabilities. This step should include the use of media that feature disabled adults who can serve as role models of physical fitness for youth who have disabilities.
Advocate for public health policies that address not only individual behaviors but also the environmental context and conditions in which people live and make choices.
Implement strategies to make healthful food choices available, identifiable, and affordable to people of all races and income levels and in all types of geographic locations (e.g., urban, suburban, rural).
Answer to Question 2