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Author Question: Developmental Trends TableThe table below describes the behaviors of children and adolescents at ... (Read 250 times)


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Developmental Trends Table
The table below describes the behaviors of children and adolescents at five different age levels. It identifies motives that may be at work, offers suggestions for encouraging productive behavior, or does both. Apply what you've learned about the development of motivation to fill in the empty cells in the table.

Observing Motivation in Youngsters' Behaviors
AgeA Youngster's ExperienceDevelopmental Concepts
Identifying Motivational Phenomena
Motivating Productive Behaviors
Now that she can easily crawl from place to place, 9-month-old Regina is into everything. Her child care provider once found her trying to insert a couple of house keys into an electrical outlet. And all the cleaning supplies under the sink are a particular source of interest.Make infants' and toddlers' environments safe for exploration. For example, put plastic plugs in electrical outlets and child-proof safety latches on cabinet doors.
Early Childhood
When her mother returns to work after a lengthy maternity leave, 3 1/2-year-old Laura begins attending an all-day preschool. Laura's teachers find her behavior to be a challenge from the very first day. "She shows no patience or self-restraint," one teacher says. "When she wants something, she wants it now, and she'll throw a tantrum if she doesn't get it. If I immediately go to her, I can usually calm her down. But I never know when she might explode again."Like many young children, Laura shows an inability to delay gratification. Her teacher is possibly reinforcing her tantrums with immediate attention. Perhaps Laura's mother or other caregivers have previously reinforced such tantrums, giving Laura little reason to learn to control her impulses or acquire other self-regulation skills.
Reinforce young children for appropriate behaviors (e.g., give a child one-on-one attention when she is engaged in a productive activity). Impose mild punishments for inappropriate behaviors (e.g., place an unruly child in a short "time-out" situation in which she gets no attention from others). Also teach strategies for delaying gratification (e.g., suggest that a child repeatedly tell herself, "I can play with the toy longer if I wait for my turn").
Middle Childhood
After years of struggling with basic reading skills, 10-year-old Kellen becomes increasingly irritable and soon stops doing his homework. One day his mother finds him curled up under his desk, crying and saying, "I can't do this anymore." His mother takes him to a psychiatrist, who determines that Kellen has dyslexia.Give children the guidance and support they need to be successful. Seek the advice of specialists when children show unusual delays in acquiring certain skills. Do not dismiss chronic problems as being just a "phase" that children will "grow out of."
Early Adolescence
During his third-period class, a middle school teacher often sees 12-year-old JoBeth passing notes to one or more of her classmates. Inevitably, the other students giggle after reading what she has written. Before class one day, the teacher takes JoBeth aside and tells her, "This note passing has to stop. It's getting to be a distraction to the entire class." JoBeth looks down sheepishly. "I'm sorry, Mr. Roberts," she says. "I'm just trying to make the other kids like me. Jeremy Smith tells jokes all the time, and he's one of the most popular kids in the school."JoBeth's desire for popularity reflects a social goal. In observing Jeremy's success telling jokes, JoBeth is experiencing vicarious reinforcement, which leads to an increase in her own joke-telling behavior.
Late Adolescence
Even as a preschooler, Emmanuel showed a keen interest in basketball, and throughout his childhood and early adolescence he spent many hours playing basketball with his friends at a nearby Boys' Club. Since beginning high school he's twice tried out for the varsity high school team but without success. "I'm just too short," he reasons. "Anyway, it's probably better that I focus on my schoolwork, which will help me get into a good college."Emmanuel has a personal interest in basketball. However, his failure in making the varsity team decreases his self-efficacy for the sport. He places less value on it and instead turns his attention to academic achievement, which he perceives to be more useful in helping him achieve his long-term goal of attending a prestigious college.Incorporate teenagers' personal interests into academic subject matter. Provide outlets through which all youngsters can pursue interest areas that are apt to promote their physical and psychological well-being (e.g., create nonselective intramural programs for all who want to participate in team sports).

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Marked as best answer by debasdf on Mar 10, 2019


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