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Author Question: Which one of the following statements about toddlers' eating habits is TRUE? (Read 180 times)


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Question 1

When involved in challenging tasks and play activities, toddlers usually:
◦ ask parents for help.
◦ show frustration.
◦ become distressed.
◦ display positive affect.

Question 2

Which one of the following statements about toddlers' eating habits is TRUE?
◦ Across cultures, toddlers are expected to sit still at the table and learn to use utensils.
◦ Mealtime rules are rarely enforced until adulthood in many cultures around the world.
◦ In many American homes, mealtime rules are enforced when toddlers are as young as two years old.
◦ Middle-class, Euro-American families tend to impose eating rules later than parents in other cultures.

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Marked as best answer by Ebrown on Aug 19, 2019


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