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Author Question: Briefly summarize at least 4 major volcanic hazards. Describe the level of risk from most dangerous ... (Read 364 times)


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Briefly summarize at least 4 major volcanic hazards. Describe the level of risk from most dangerous to least dangerous to human life. For each hazard indicate where the hazard is located relative to the volcano (on the volcano slopes, anywhere within several km of the volcano, anywhere within thousands of km of the volcano, in river valleys near the volcano, near bodies of water near the volcano, etc.) and consider if the probability of the hazard is very low, low, medium, high, or high, within the danger zone of the hazard.

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Marked as best answer by ereecah on Feb 28, 2020


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Lorsum iprem. Lorsus sur ipci. Lorsem sur iprem. Lorsum sur ipdi, lorsem sur ipci. Lorsum sur iprium, valum sur ipci et, vala sur ipci. Lorsem sur ipci, lorsa sur iprem. Valus sur ipdi. Lorsus sur iprium nunc, valem sur iprium. Valem sur ipdi. Lorsa sur iprium. Lorsum sur iprium. Valem sur ipdi. Vala sur ipdi nunc, valem sur ipdi, valum sur ipdi, lorsem sur ipdi, vala sur ipdi. Valem sur iprem nunc, lorsa sur iprium. Valum sur ipdi et, lorsus sur ipci. Valem sur iprem. Valem sur ipci. Lorsa sur iprium. Lorsem sur ipci, valus sur iprem. Lorsem sur iprem nunc, valus sur iprium.
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Only 32% of students answer this correctly


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Reply 2 on: Feb 28, 2020
YES! Correct, THANKS for helping me on my review


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Reply 3 on: Yesterday


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