Answer to Question 1
Correct Answer: 2
Rationale: Unlike prescription drugs, the active ingredients in an herb may be present in just one part or many parts. Herbs may actually contain dozens of active chemicals, not just one. Most herbs have not been standardized, and are not regulated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Herbs are not necessarily safer than prescription medications; they are medications.
Answer to Question 2
Correct Answer: 1,2,3
Rationale 1: 99.8 of human DNA sequences are identical. The remaining 0.2 can account for significant differences in people's ability to handle medications.
Rationale 2: The structure of an enzyme is closely related to its function. A mutation can cause a change in the structure of the enzyme, resulting in a change in its function.
Rationale 3: When enzymes are functionally changed by genetics, metabolism and excretion can be altered, resulting in the drug either accumulating or being inactivated.
Rationale 4: Small changes in the structure of a protein may result in a defective receptor that will not accept the drug and the drug not having any therapeutic effect.
Rationale 5: Genetic differences can result in mutations of enzymes or proteins, which may result in changes in function. Being of a certain race may predispose a patient to mutations and, therefore, uncommon responses to medication, but this does not mean the patient will have an allergic response to medications.