Answer to Question 1
Hyperventilation (decreased carbon dioxide CO2) can occur as a result of rapid breathing. CO2 depletion can cause dizziness, numbness or tingling of hands and mouth, blurring of vision, and muscle spasms of the hands. The woman should be encouraged to rebreathe CO2 from a paper bag or cupped hands because continued hyperventilation can deprive the fetus of oxygen. Generally, this will help the woman slow her breathing pattern. Oxygen administration will not solve the problem.
Answer to Question 2
A pudendal block is performed during the second stage of labor to block the pudendal nerve, numbing the birth canal and perineum to allow pushing during delivery, and to facilitate episiotomy repair. Although this type of anesthesia relieves discomfort from perineal distention, it does not affect pain from uterine contractions. The pudendal block does not affect the uterus, bladder, or legs.